01 02 03 OLEM EDGE GLOBAL CONCEPT: What nylon littered environment can do to your health 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

What nylon littered environment can do to your health

From Google Search

Plastic bags are used for finished products packaging at grocery stores. They come in different fanciful colours and vary in qualities and sizes.
Produced by various organisations, all over the world, they are not only known as ‘nylon bags’ but also come in ‘cellophanes’.
Nylons do not easily decay, by this, they are capable of causing environmental pollution except burnt with fire. Even at that, they generate excessive fumes when burnt.

Are there no alternatives to nylon usage?
According to Jamey Wagner, there are alternatives to nylon bags which are: plastic bags (which also take their tolls on the environment), and reusable cloth bags.
Yet, there is tendency that the use of nylon may persist because of their cost effectiveness – even though they do more harm than good to the environment.

Damages that nylon could do to the environment
1.   Land pollution:  a nylon bag may take up to a hundred years before it finally breaks down. Its presence on land is capable to terminating live from plants and animals: some animals may be suffocated by it, and plants may be killed once nylon remains unmoved – it starts to block fresh-air from reaching the plant and causing extreme heats (during sunny days) on the plants. Nylons are also responsible for blocking drainages: when a number of nylons are stocked in drainage there is tendency for the drainage to overflow and cause serious damages to lives and properties during a heavy downpour because the water will not have chances to move freely.
2.   In water: the presence of nylon in the Atlantic Ocean is estimated to be 300 million plastic bags.[1] Sea mammals are said to mistake nylons for jelly fishes and when they swallow nylon they die: whereas, those that survive immediate death will endure slow and painful death as a result of intestine blockage. This turns out to affect everyone, both animals and human beings. This is capable of sending some sea species into extinction and causing some others to have over population that will continually lead to more extinction of sea mammals and negative impacts on the environment.

What you can do to minimise environmental pollution from Nylon
Thanks goodness, there is no predicament without solution. Therefore, the following tips could be observed to prevent more environmental damages from nylon litters:
From Google Search
1.   Avoid frequent collection of nylon bags from grocery stores.
2.   Avoid purchase of nylon bags every time you go to the market.
3.   Develop the method to preserve nylon bags that you can use for a number of times before disposing them (properly).
4.   Always dispose (properly) every nylon bag that you are not using again.
5.   Avoid a situation when your refuse bin will become filled to the brim before letting waste management and control officials to dispose it. Hence, you should pay your charges on time.

[1] Jamey, Wagner, The Effects of Plastic Bags on Environment.


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